Today the positioning of a vehicle via GPS is common practice. By linking with a geographical information system the place of action is located in a matter of seconds. It suggests itself to equip police cars and other vehicles with GPS, transmit the positoin to the headquarters and use the geo information in the control centre. Adapted from a patent-registered method CENARIO solutions oHG developed a transmission path and realized it in CENARIO®fumo. It is a combination of operating speed and low costs and guarantees a secure line.
CENARIO®fumo has been in real time operation for several years. Of course every other information can be trasmitted from headquarters to vehicles and vice versa as well.
• Usage of existing radio infrastructure
• Fast positioning of vehicles
• High planning reliability in action management
• One-off costs for complete equipment, no consequential charges
• Secure line
• The open system can be integrated in every control centre
For more information, please contact us.